Saturday, September 26, 2009

Think-Tac-Toe (Blog Post 5)

One activity that I use in my classroom that supports Performance Based Assessment and technology integration is a Think-Tac-Toe board. Students are given the project requirements and rubric 3 weeks before the end of the unit on Squares/Square Roots. They are to complete it in a tic-tac-toe pattern. The choices range from a page in their book (that they have to access online), online games, creating a booklet, worksheet, or PowerPoint presentation, and creating a 3D visual model. Students can choose which activity that they would like to complete as long as they follow the pattern. They are encouraged to be as creative as possible. Exemplary work is then posted in the classroom for all to see.

Think-Tac-Toe Project

Think-Tac-Toe Rubric

1 comment:

  1. I have used this type of project before. I am glad you linked your resources and rubric. The biggest problem I found with this type of activity in math is coming up with the different activities. Thanks


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