Sunday, September 13, 2009

Emerging Technology that Supports Content Learning (Blog Post 2)

In reading this weeks chapter, I find myself thinking so much of where Cobb County is going where performance assessment and the push for the differing level of Bloom's Taxonomy. It is important for students to have all three types of knowledge mentioned: declarative, structural, and procedural knowledge. Declarative knowledge is similar to the identifying level where students rely on wrote memory. Structural knowledge correlates to the understanding level. Procedural knowledge allows students to apply the concepts to the real world. A math example for the different stages are as follows:
  • Declarative--rewriting a number from standard form into scientific notation.
  • Structural--looking at a chart of the planets and seeing how far each is form the earth
  • Procedural--using google earth and information about them(height, length of stride) to determine how many of them or of their strides it would take reach Australia
The main idea that I saw consistent in the chapter is the need for teacher's to make connections for the students and the fact that they need all three types of knowledge levels to be successful.

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