Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Project Based Learning

The focus of my group is motivating students to achieve by using real life business examples. If students can see when and where they will use the concepts taught in class they will be more inclined to concentrate and truly master the standards. My students were fortunate to see the construction of an ampitheater being built on the school campus. They spent the class period finding out the importance the Pythagorean Theorem has in architecture. They were able to share their knowledge and help with the placement of some of the boards. Students then completed two formative activities displaying their knowledge of the concept: a Comic Life and an Excel spreadsheet. Students were then asked to create a 3D model representing the Pythagorean Theorem.

PBL Plan

Comic Life Example
Comic Life Handout

Comic Life Rubric
Excel Example

Excel Handout
Excel Rubric
3D Model Examples
3D Model Rubric



It was amazing to see the learning that was taking place in my classroom. Students were able to make the connection between the concept and the real world. They were able to answer the infamous question, "When will I ever use this?" If only Home Depot can build something on our campus every year to help the students see the importance of the concept. Although my school is located in East Cobb County and the majority, if not all, students will go to college, we have some choice kids from West Cobb County who will not go to college. The discussions that went on between the students and the men who were building the structure reinforced that you do not have to go to college in order to use math; math is all around us. Students enjoyed taking the knowledge gained and creating their own model. I am looking forward to implementing this project based lesson plan each year; of course, modifying it based on the needs of my students.

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